
Showing posts from March, 2022


 KHL postings : DAY 1 :Presented a case of 56 /F P3L2D1 with c/of lump of right breast since 6 months .. on examination 5 *3*3 cm lump present in right upper outer quadrant .. with no other findings like nipple discharge, distruction, paued orange or lymphnodes . FNAC done outside shows ? invasive carcinoma advised true cut biopsy and mammography . Other follow up cases of carcinoma of breast and cervix   DAY 2: Approch to thrombocytosis  DAY 3: carcinoma of pancreas  DAY 4: Carcinoma of stomach  DAY 5: Carcinoma of rectum  DAY 6 : Carcinoma of cervix  DAY 7 : Recurrent carcinoma of breast  DAY 8: 26/F P2L1 missed abortion done D and C outside twice but due to uncomfortable bleeding during 2 nd D and C emergency TAH + BSO done and HPE of the specimen of uterus showing invasive mole ( outside hospital ) referred here to our hospital for further management .. on presentation patient was stable , only one beta hcg values available which was...