34 year old male patient resident of Nalgonda came to the hospital with


Involuntary movements of  upper limbs since 4 years

Stiffness of all 4 limbs since 4 years

Slowness of movements since 4 years 

Involuntary movements of lower limbs since 3 years


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 years back then he developed involuntary movements which developed in right upper limb since 4 years and after 6 months of initiation of right side developed to Left upper limb which was gradual in onset, occurs at rest 

since 3 years developed  in lower limbs also which were subsided by voluntary movements and also subsides during sleep as told by family members. 

Involuntary  movements not decreased with levodopa medication. 

He has history of difficulty in initiation of movements , to start there is clumsiness of movements and now difficulty to perform his day to day activities like mixing of food , brushing teeth

Difficulty to start walking , able to walk 2 to 3 steps and then stops abruptly for few seconds and then walks fast 

He has history of falls once 6 months back

No difficulty in wearing clothes and removing clothes 

No difficulty in climbing stairs 

No difficulty  to wear and remove footwear

 No history of slippage of footwear

No history of weakness in upper and lower limbs

No history of giddiness , increased sweating 

He has no  history of dysphagia , decreased vision, loss of smell 

No history of regurgitation.

No history of heart burn.

No history of pooling of saliva.

No history of bowel and bladder involvement 

No history of sensory systems

No history of thyromegaly (any neck swelling)

No history of headache

No history of vomiting

No history of siezures

No history of Fever 

No history of head injury

No history of jaundice , chronic liver disease

No history of STD


He studied upto 10 th class , after 10th class  he started working in chemical factory after 7 months of duration of working in that factory ,during that 7 months he experienced dragging type of pain in lower limbs and decreased sleep then one day while he was working in factory all of sudden he had abnormal behaviour of hitting hands to walls and on TV, visual and auditory hallucinations ( auditory in form of as his father scolding him with abusing words , then he was taken to private hospital diagnosed as ? psychosis started on antipsychotics ( Tab resperidone, tab olanzepine ) since 2006.

No h/o Diabetes, systemic hypertension, bronchial asthma, pulmonary kochs', epilepsy, CVA, CAD, and Thyroid disorder


Diet: Mixed 

 Appetite: Normal


 Sleep: Improved after medication 

 Addictions: Non smoker and non alcoholic


 No significant family history 

Drug history : history of intake of antipsychotics since 2006


Tab levodopa + Tab carbidopa 100/25 mg twice daily 

Tab Amantidine 50 mg Truce daily 

Tab clonazepam 0.5 mg daily night time


Patient conscious, cooperative, Moderately built and moderately nourished

 Coarse and static tremor of right and left upper limb ( Right more than left )

GCS 15/15

Height-175cms Weight-65kgs

 No pallor, No icterus, no cyanosis, no clubbing , no lymphadenopathy, no edema,no koilonychia


 Temp: Afebrile 

PR: 85/min regular, normal volume, normal character, no radio radial and no radio femoral delay , Equal on both sides

BP: 100/70mmhg in Left upperlimb on supine


On standing 100/60 mmHg in same limb





Patient is oriented to person place and time 

Right Handed person, studied upto 10th standard.

Conscious, oriented to time place and person.

Speech : Stammering type

Memory: recent and remote memory intact

 No delusion and hallucinations currently 

Emotional lability absent. 

MMSE :28 /30 


1st : Normal

2nd : visual acuity is normal

         visual field is normal

         Normal fundus: fundal glow present.

3rd,4th,6th : pupillary reflexes present.

                       EOM full range of motion present

5th : sensory intact

         motor intact

7th : normal

8th : No abnormality noted.

9th,10th : palatal movements present and equal.

11th,12th : normal.


 BULK : normal                             

TONE : Hypertonia in all 4 limbs.

Leadpipe rigidity present in all 4 limbs

Cog wheel rigidity is seen in right more than left


Resting Tremors present 

Describing the involuntary movements:

1. Involuntary movements i.e. tremors observed when patient is unaware 

2.Body part affected - all 4 limbs in order ( right upper limb  f/by left upper , left lower limb and right lower limb )

3. Frequency of movement - coarse ( High frequency)

4. Amplitude of Movement -  low amplitude

5. Timing of movement - predominantly at rest and subsided on voluntary movement

6. Aggravated at rest and relieved on voluntary activity

7. Static tremor.

8. Tremor is more prominent in right upper limb

POWER :     U/L         L/L

Rt                5/5          5/5

Lt                 5/5           5/5 


1) ( Supraspinatus)

2) ( Infraspinatus)

3)ttps:// ( Rhomboid )

4) ( Deltoid ) 

5) ( Lattismus Dorsi ) 

6) ( Biceps ) 

7 ( Triceps ) 

8 ) Brachiradialis 

9 )  Stratus Anterior 
10) Extensor carpu radialis 
Extensor digitorum

Extensor carpi ulnaris

Flexor carpi radialis

Adductor pollicis

Oppenens pollicis 

Quadreceps femoris 

Tibialis anterior 

Extensor digitorum brevis 


Extensor hallucis longus 

Extensor digitorum longus 

Flexor digitorum longus 


 CORNEAL ; LE: present. RE: present       

CONJUNCTIVAL : LE: present RE: present

  ABDOMINAL : present

 PLANTAR : Flexor in both limbs


  BICEPS ++        ++

  TRICEPS +        +                                      

  SUPINATOR +  +                                              

   KNEE           +  +                                          

  ANKLE          +  +                                          

 Clonus : absent

Glabellar tap : present 



Crude touch. Normal

pain. Normal

Temperature. Normal


Fine touch. NAD

Vibration. NAD

Proprioception. NAD


Two point discrimination. NAD

Tactile localisation. NAD

stereognosis. NAD

graphasthesia. NAD



No hypotonia and pendular knee jerk : absent

Intention tremor : absent

Rebound phenomenon absent

 Nystagmus: absent 

Titubation: absent

 Rhombergs test : Negative 

Dysdidokinesia : Normal

Kneel heel Test

Tandom walking 

GAIT: Festinating gait

Difficulty in initiation of movements , 

Freezing suddenly

Then started walking with rapid movement

Paucity of automatic movements of both upper limbs ( no swinging movement of arms)

Impaired balance on turning Present 

No Micrographia 



No resting tachycardia

No postural hypotension

No excessive sweating 

Gait : 

Other systems examination


S1,S2 heard, 

no murmurs


Chest - symmetrical, No paradoxical movements

Normal vesicular breath sounds heard

No abnormal/added sound


 Abdomen is soft, non tender.

No organomegaly

No ascites

Bowel sounds+ 


Resting tremors, Rigidity with bradykinesia and reduced Arm span with no gaze palsy with no sensory , cognitive, bowel and bladder involvement 

Anatomical : Basal ganglion

Pathological : Decrease of dopaminergic levels due to ? Drug induced ( antipsychotics) , unknown chemical induced Parkinson's 

Etiology : Drug Induced Parkinson's 

ECG : 



Hb- 14.5 gm/dl

TLC-8,200/cu. mm 

PLT - 2 .8 lakhs/cu. mm

RBS- 81 mg/dl


TB -0.71  mg/dl

DB-0.18 mg/dl

AST-15  IU/L


ALP- 130 IU/L

TP -6.4 gm/dl

Albumin - 4.53 gm/dl


Urea- 24 mg/dl

Creatinine- 1.0 mg/dl

Uric acid- 3.2 mg/dl

Calcium- 9.2 mg/dl

Phosphate- 2.7 mg/dl

Sodium- 145 meq/ L

Potassium- 3.6 meq/L

Chloride- 96 meq/L


Colour - pale yellow



Albumin : +

Sugar -nil

pus cells- 3 to 6 


A 40 year old female patient came with complaints of pain in the both hips since 6months

History of present illness :- Patient was apparently alright 6months back,then she developed pain in the both hip regions which is insiduous onset,gradually progressive,aggrevated on walking,getting up from sitting posture,relived on taking medications.

No history of Trauma or fall 

Past history 

2019: left lower limb weakness and was diagnosed to have hypokalemia for which  potassium correction was done 

2nd episode: in Nov 2021 had h/o both upper and lower limbs weakness , Loss of consciousness for 2 days , loss of speech (for 4 days) , 1 unit PRBC was transfused and was diagnosed as hypokalemia.

3rd episode : in may 2022 she had same complaints and was admitted for 3 days.

Not a k/c/o HTN, DM,CVA, CAD, EPILEPSY ,TB,ASTHMA, Hepatitis 

Personal history:

Diet: mixed


Sleep: adequate 

Bowel and bladder movements: regular


Sequence of events:

She got married in 1999 and had her first child in 2002. H/O abortion in 2001.

Due to some issues she worked as a nurse at local hospital for 6 months.

Later her husband passed away in 2009 and in 2010 she got married again. Since then until 2019 she was alright with out any health problems.

              1st episode in 2019

               2nd episode in 2021

                3rd episode in 2022

History of dry eyes , dry mouth and left parotid swelling 


General examination:

Pt is conscious, coherent and cooperative 

General Condition - Moderately built and Moderately nourished.

Hair - Thin and slightly greyed. Not easily pluckable or no areas of scarring or non-scarring hair loss. No lesions noted on the scalp.

Eyes - No conjunctival chemosis or injection, No redness or corneal lesions. 

General Head, Neck & ENT - No abnormalities. No lymph node enlargement.

Axial - No apparent spinal deformities

Fingers and Nails - No clubbing or cyanosis.

Right little finger shows Flexion at the PIP joint

Pt is conscious, coherent and cooperative 

No pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, pedal edema

Swelling over left parotid present 

History of Burning sensation of eyes and Drymouth present

Vitals :

Pr:90bpm , normal volume , no radio radial or radiofrmoral delay

Bp:100/60mmhg , sitting position, left upper limb


Systemic Examination 

Musculoskeletal system

Nail changes - No

No alopecia, skin changes

Examination of shoulder joint

*Glenohumeral joint 


   1. Apprehension tes: Negative 

    2.Examination of tenderness and swelling       over shoulder - No

Examination of Elbow joint 

1. Two Thumb technique - No tenderness  of wrist 

2. prayer sign : Able to do

Examination of MCP joint

sqeeze technique for 

Tenderness Examination  : Negative 

Examination of spine : No tenderness over spine , supraspinatus Muscle 

1.patrick test - Negative 

2.Garnslen manuoere - Negative

3. Schober's Test - positive

4. Straight Leg raise test - Negative

Glenohumeral joint for Tenderness :

Apprehension Test : 

Two Thumb technique:

Prayer sign :

Squeeze Test for Tenderness of MCP joint : Negative 

Tenderness and swelling present over PIP joint of 2nd Phalynx ( right hand ) 

Flexion of PIP of little finger ( right hand )

Trandelenberg Test : Positive on both sides 

Knee joint Palpation : For Tenderness 

Ankle joint for Tenderness 

Patrick Test : 

Gaenslen Manoveur : Negative 

Gait video : 

Schober's test 


s1, s2 present 

RS: BAE + , clear 


P/A : 

soft , non tender 

Bowel sounds:sluggish 


The above features suggestive of connective tissue disorder - sjogrens syndrome ( Dry eye, Dry mouth ,biopsy of labium is positive for sjogrens )  

Right hip pain secondary to ? Bone involvement spondyloarthropathy 

Hypokalemic periodic paralysis secondary to distal Renal tubular acidosis



ECG : 



   Chest x ray :


X ray B/L wrist 

 X ray pelvis


HB - 8.0gm/dl
Total count - 7,500
Neutrophil - 62
Lymphocytes - 28
Eosinophil - 02
Monocytes - 08
Basophils -00
PCV -26.6
MCV- 80.4
MCH- 24.2
MCHC - 30.1
RDW cv  - 21.6
RBC count - 3.31million/cumm
Platelets - 2.56 L/cu mm

RBS - 101mg/dl


Color - pale yellow

Appearance - clear

Reaction - acidic

Specific gravity -1.01

Albumin - trace

Sugars - nil

Bile salts - nil

Bile pigments - nil

Pus cells  : 3-4

Epithelial cells : 2- 3

RBC - nil

Crystals - nil

Casts - nil


Urea - 16mg/dl

Creatinine - 1.3mg/dl

Uric acid - 3.1 mg/dl

Calcium - 10.1mg/dl

Phosphorus - 2.6mg/dl

Sodium - 141mEq/L

Potassium - 3.6 mEq/L

Chloride - 105 mEq/L


Total bilirubin - 0.67mg/dl

Direct bilirubin - 0.12mg/dl

SGOT - 14 IU/L


Alkaline phosphatase - 492 IU/L

Total proteins - 6.6 gm/dl

Albumin- 4.02gm/dl

A/G ratio 1.56

ESR - 30mm/ 1st hour

Histopathology report:

H and E stained section shows presence o multiple lobules of minor salivary glands tissue consisting of normal appearing mucinous acini with intralobular and interlobular ducts .

The salivary gland tissue also shows the presence of multiple foci greater than 5 of lymphocytic infiltrate, endothelial lined blood vessels and hemorrhagic areas

Short case 2 :

60  year old male presented to the casualty with complains of altered sensorium since 2 days, generalized weakness since 2 days 

60  year old farmer and daily wage labourer by occupation resident of errasanigudam starts his daily routine with waking up at 5 am in the morning and goes to his farm work till 11 am and then have his food  and goes back to farm at 12 am and comes back to his home at 6 pm and comes and has his dinner by 7:30 pm

He  has no children, first child was born at 8 months of pregnancy and died with in 1 day of birth

His wife  conceived 2nd time 5 years after previous pregnancy and the child died at 2 months of age 

Patient started drinking toddy from his 22 years of age drinks toddy daily 1 litre 

He occasionally drinks alcohol 2 quarters once monthly when he meets his relatives and attends party 

His life was routine till the last 4 years 

4 years ago he developed fever for 1 week and had some giddiness and fallen from bed hr was then immediately taken to the hospital where he was diagnosed as having high sugars and high blood pressures  he was hospitalized for 3 days and came home 

Since then he is on antihypertensives and oral hypoglycemic drugs 

Patient work life compromised since then he stopped going to work since then and started staying home as he was having generalized body pains and difficulty in bending and doing works 

His wife used to go for work and make money for his living and he used to get pension money which he is using for his medications 

Patient was doing fine in the last 4 years staying at home and doing his daily household chores 

20 days ago patient developed altered behaviour ( started scolding his wife ), generalized weakness patient was taken to local hospital, where he was evaluated and found to have low blood sugars ,deranged renal parameters and was admitted for  3 days

Personal history:

Diet: mixed


Sleep: adequate 

Bowel and bladder movements: regular


General examination

Patient is drowsy but arousable

Pallor present, pedal edema present

No icterus ,cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, 


BP - 150/80 mm of hg

PR-75 bpm

Spo2-97 on RA

RR-25 con

TEMP-98.7 F 

GRBS-176 mg/dl 

Local examination of spine

Spine tenderness present at sacroiliac joint 

No paraspinus muscle tenderness

SLRT : Negative 

Gait video : 

Systemic Examination


Inspection : Keloid present over anterior chest 

No visible Apex, pulsations, engorged veins

Palpation : Apex beat at 5th ICS 1.5 cms lateral to mid clavicular line 

No Parasternal haeve 

Ascultation : S1, S2 present 

Respiratory system 


Per abdomen

Soft, non tender , umbilical hernia present 


Provisional Diagnosis : Altered Sensorium secondary to Hypoglycemia ( OHA induced ) / Uremic Encephalopathy  secondary to renal failure ( ? CKD ) 

 Anameia secondary to CKD 

DM 2 and HTN since 1 year

 Heart failure with ? Preserved EF 

 metabolic syndrome 

 umbilical hernia


Hb- 8.3g/dl

TLC - 15,200cells/cumm

Neutrophils - 83

Lymphocytes - 10

Eosinophils - 01

Monocytes - 06

Basophils -00

Platelet - 2.60L


Puscells- 6 to 8

Albumin - ++

Specific gravity - 1.010

RBS - 80mg/dl


Blood urea -124

Serum creatinine - 7.1

Sodium -140

Potassium- 3.7

Chloride - 98

Calcium ionised - 9.1


Total bilirubin - 0.64

Direct bilirubin - 0.19

SGOT - 37

SGPT -30


Total protein - 5.8

Albumin -3.1

A/G ratio- 1.13 

ECG : 


Xray dorsolumbar spine


RA, LA , LV Dilated 

EF : 60 % 

Good systolic function

Diastolic Dysfunction + 

Mild MR, AR 

Moderate TR with PAH 

IVC collapsing (1.33 cms ) 

Clinical Appraisal:

1)Efficacy and Safety of Deep Brain Stimulation in the Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

P: Double blinded study 

8 RCT were done among which 2 included early Parkinsons disease patients


Deep brain stimulation 

DBS of any kind (i.e., unilateral or bilateral; any target area) was compared to BMT.


Between Deep brain stimulation and the medical management.


Outcome measures were impairment/disability using the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), quality of life (QoL) using the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39), levodopa equivalent dose (LED) reduction, and rates of serious adverse events (SAE).

There was a significantly greater reduction of Levodopa equivalent dose in patients with early PD (P < 0.00001), but no other differences between early and advanced PD patients were found. 

DBS was superior to Best medical therapy at improving impairment/disability, Quality of life and reducing medication doses.

2)Efficacy and safety of topical and systemic medications: a systematic literature review informing the EULAR recommendations for the management of Sjögren’s syndrome

P: Double blinded study 

120 patients of primary sjogrens were taken were taken for randomised control trial


Oral Hydroxychloroquine vs placebo


Compared between 56 ppl who has taken 400mg/day of hydroxychloroquine and 64 ppl taken as placebo.


Primary Outcomes measured in terms of VAS scores (dryness,fatigue,pain) at 24weeks

30% reduction of 2 symptoms at 24 weeks (among both groups,with no statistical significance)

one of the secondary outcomes, hydroxychloroquine was associated with a statistical trend to improved pain (p values between 0.06 and 0.10 at 12, 24 and 48 weeks) although it was not superior to Placebo for articular involvement.

No statistical differences were found in response to fatigue.


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