2020-2022 TITLE : Factors influencing clinical decision making around therapeutic interventions for critically ill renal failure patients in a rural medical college NEED FOR STUDY : Renal failure is increasingly recognized as a global public health problem. The clinical decision to continue conservative medical management vs dialysis in a patient with acute on chronic renal failure (particularly in low resource settings), is dependent on factors that have not be characterized well in the global literature although there are absolute and relative indications for dialysis, there are many clinical grey areas around them. Aim: To study various events related to and influencing treatment decisions around patients with critically ill renal failure Objectives : 1) Document the events and symptoms leading to the patient presenting with renal failure 2) Study the associations between the events and certain symptoms influencing the therapeutic decision taken 3) Doc...
Sep 1 8-9 am : seen case of 14 /M with pancytopenia with autoimmune thyroditis https://raveen07.blogspot.com/2022/08/14m-massive-splenomegaly-case-of.html 9- 10 am : Clinical meet on RAMSUN HUNT SYNDROME 10-11 am : Helped Nishitha ( junior ) in managing nephro cases as it was her 1 st day in nephrology 11 -12 : Meet at counsilling room 2 -4 pm : attended class Tutorial on CT abdomen 2D echo ,Aortic sclerotic valve Sep 2 : Duty day 8 to 9 - seen the old case of 14/M 9 to 1 - OPD 2 - 4 - Internal assessment exam Night duty ( 3 admissions) 1. 35F fever and joint pains https://ailanibyogita.blogspot.com/2022/09/a-35-years-old-female-with-co-fever.html 2. 59M feve, vomitings and loose stools http://chennaharsha.blogspot.com/2022/09/59-yr-old-male.html 3. 75M with fever and altrered sensorium https://ailanibyogita.blogspot.com/2022/09/a-75-years-old-male-with-altered.html Sep -3 : 8 to 9 am : Follow up of cases of y...
1) Explaining ascitic tap to ug students https://youtu.be/XIUsUAy4Atg 2) Placed central line to 22/F 3) Done pleural tap to 45 /M in suspected case of pulmonary TB 4)USG guided ascitic tap done in difficult case of 44 /M with thick abdomen using LP needle https://youtu.be/zoZ0287oR7o 5) Pleural tap for long distance patient .. suspected case of ? GB wall rupture https://youtu.be/iB9IC3ipFHs 6 ) Pleural tap for 13 year old boy who was on maintenance haemodialysis with recurrent pulmonary odema 7) LP in case of 70M with fever and altered sensorium https://ailanibyogita.blogspot.com/2022/09/a-75-years-old-male-with-altered.html https://youtu.be/QhsD6RsqUGg 8)Triple lumen placed in case of Cardiogenic shock https://ailanibyogita.blogspot.com/2022/09/a-70-year-old-female-with-post-wall-mi.html ...
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