This is an online E log platform to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. I have been given this case in order to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of patient's clinical data analysis to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan 


60 Years Old Male Who is a Resident of Iskilla(Village) ; Ramannapet ( Mandal ); Yadadri ( District) Who Works in Nursery Came with chief  Complaints of 

Both Lower Limb swelling Since 7 day

Decreased Urine Output Since 3 days 

Shortness Of Breath Since 3 Days 

Fever since 3 days 

Unable to walk since 3 days 


Patient Was apparently Asymptomatic 2 years Back , then he developed pain in both Knee joints insidious in onset, non - progressive since 2 Years ,he  managed to do his Job who works in Government Nursery since 4 years  which is near by his house & goes to Job by walk  & he is able to do his routine works but since 1 year due to increased intensity  of pain he Used to take pain killer Injection ( IM) once in Week / 10days and also used oral NSAIDS  . He use to feel comfortable for 2 to 3 days after injection and then again he will have pain with activity , not associated with early morning stiffness.

He was fine till 1 week back , he noticed swelling of both lower limbs , Intially started in both Foot & progressed upto bilateral knees . 

At home he had he had 1 episode of vomiting on last saturday which was non bilious , non - projectile ,containing food particles associated with mild abdominal discomfort and nausea. 

Breathlessness since 3 days , insidious onset , non progressive of grade 1 to 2 according to mmrc associated  with rapid and shallow breathing ,not associated with chest pain, sweating, giddiness , blackout,orthopnea or PND 

Decreased urine output since 3 days 

Knee pain Increased Since last 3 days & so he had difficulty in walking & unable to  go to Work

Fever since 3 days which  is high grade, Intermittent , associated with chills & rigor , Not associated with cough or burning micturation 

No history of narrow stream of urine, hesistency , suprapubic pain 


N/K/C/O DM ; HTN ; TB ; Epilepsy; Asthma 

No H/o any Past Surgeries

Personal History

Marriage at the age of 20 years

He Had 2 daughter's & 2 son's each of them studied Upto 3rd & 4th Class & stopped education due to financial problems. All of them were married and he had grand sons and daughters

He wake up at 5 am in the morning , do his morning activities like going to washroom and brushing , gets ready for his job and eats Rice with the curry cooked along with it some tea in the morning. Goes to his job by walk , at his workplace : he waters the plants and remove the weed plants and other works told by his superiors,will have a chutta ( atleast 2-3/ day ) at afternoon again he eats rice with curry and he returns home by 4pm . He will take a nap and at night again he will have some rice and curry

 No fruits are included in his diet

Since 1 year he stopped talking non veg also as someone told him that knee pains aggrevates on taking non vegetarian 

Decreased appetite since 1 year

Decreased urine output since 3 days 

Sleep : Normal 

No bowel disturbances

No high risk behaviour


Alcoholic Since 20 years of Age & Drinks 90-180ml Once in Every 7-10days stopped since 1 year ( As someone told him that alcohol will aggrevates knee pains )

Smoker Since 20 years of Age - Smokes 2-3 Beedis Per Day 

Family history

He was born 2nd in the family to non consangeous parents , 1 elder brother , 1 younger brother and 3 younger sisters 

Elder brother diagnosed with renal failure 5 years back and was on dialysis since 5 years ( causes and indication for dialysis were not known as patient attenders doesnot have good terms with them and they doesn't shown any interest to know the reason for his renal failure though i insist for it . All others are normal .

Timeline Events :  

Worked as farmer since age of 13 years , used to go to farm daily , sits on his knees ( in squatting position) for removal of weeds daily from 9am to 5pm 


Got married at age of 20 


Had 2 son's and 2 daughter's , educated them only upto 3rd class and they stopped due to financial crises.    | 

Since age of 20 he started drinking alcohol and smoking  ( but stopped taking alcohol since 2 years ).                    


        Since 4 years working in Nursery                                                      | 

Since 2 years he had bilateral knee pains 


Increased in pain  intensity since 1 year started taking Pain killers   


Decreased  appetite  since 1 year        


Since 7 days he had pedal odema ,since 3 days breathlessness, decreased urine output , unable to walk due to Severe pain in bilateral knees


Admitted in our hospital 3 days back


Patient was conscious, coherent and co-operative 

In Supine Position 

Pulse - 94 bpm, regular, normal volume, condition of vessel wall - normal, no radio-radial or radio-femoral delay. All peripheral pulses were normal.

Blood Pressure - 160/90 mmHg - RIGHT ARM , supine posture .                                       

Temperature - 99 F

Respiratory Rate - 28 cycles per minute , shallow and deep breathing + ,abdomino thorasic  type

Spo2: 98% on Room Air 

GRBS : 169 mg/dl

Pallor - present    

 Pedal odema present upto bilateral knees ( pitting type )

No icterus ,clubbing ,cyanosis , lymphadenopathy , facial puffiness

JVP - Not elevated   

Picture below showing pitting type of pedal odema : 



Picture showing the Muscle mass and visceral fat :

Right IJV catheter:

Midarm circumference: 26 cms [ Mid point between acromian process ( Shoulder )and olecrenon process ( elbow ) 
Skin fold thickness: 10 cms 

Waist circumference: 88 cms

FM ratio : 3.85 [ 260- 3.14 *10 = 22.8 cms ; 88/22.8 ]

  Head to Toe General Examination :

GENERAL CONDITION - Moderately built and Moderately nourished 

HAIR - Greying of Hari + 

EYES - Palpebral conjuctiva pallor +,Cataract + ( In both eyes ),No conjunctival chemosis or injection, No redness or corneal lesions. No icterus. 

SKIN - hyper-pigmented skin associated  with mild odema over right side of neck over 2cms  clavicle, sternum secondary to central line insertion. no local rise of temperature ,No skin lesions at other sites of the body .

ORAL CAVITY - No ulcers currently

FINGERS AND NAILS - No clubbing or cyanosis , 

GENERAL HEAD NECK AND ENT EXAMINATION - No abnormalities. No lymph node enlargement.

AXIAL - No apparent spinal deformities 


                            RIGHT                       LEFT

1) Skin :              Normal                  Normal 

2) Swelling :       Present on Medical aspect of both knees 

3) Tenderness:   Present on lateral aspect of both knees 

4) Crepitus       :    Absent  on both sides 

5) Restriction of  Movement : Present on both sides 

6) Distal pulses : Present on both sides 



 Pedal odema , Breathlessness, decreased urine output 

Unable to walk due to bilateral knee pains 


Pedal odema, Breathlessness secondary to ? Heart failure, ? Acute Renal failure  secondary to sepsis or NSAID abuse or post renal cause  on CKD

Less likely of liver failure , No abdominal distension 

Anaemia secondary to renal failure or Nutritional or Iron deficiency secondary to NSAID use 

Bilateral knee pains secondary to ? osteoporosis 

? Synovitis 


As Patient is tachypnic , with history of pedal odema and breathlessness , i initially would like to ruleout the cardiovascular cause ( Heart failure )

Cardiovascular System : 

Inspection : 

JVP : Normal 

No visible Apex beat 

No scars , sinus, dialted veins

Palpation : 

Apex beat : 5 th Intercoastal space 1cm medical to midclavicular line 


No parasternal haeve , No palpable heart sounds



Percussion : Normal 

Ascultation : S1,S2 + , No murmurs  



No Halitosis, oral hygiene, oral thrush, postnasal drip, pharyngeal deposits, tonsils, dental caries, deviated nasal septum with turbinate hypertrophy, nasal polyps, sinus tenderness



Chest : Barrel shape

Trachea – midline 

Apical Impulse - Not visible 

Movement with respiration equal on both sides

No Drooping of shoulders, supraclavicular or infraclavicular hallowing ,no intercostal fullness/indrawing/retractions

No Sinuses, scars, dilated veins, nodules


Trachea – midline

Chest movement : Equal on both sides

Measurement of Chest : 

AP : 24 cms

Transverse : 29 cms 

Ratio : 0.8 


 Vocal  Fremitus : Equal on both sides


AUSCULTATION: bilateral infraaxillary and infrascapular fine crepts + 

Normal Vesicular Breath sounds

Per abdomen : 



Abdomen is scapoid 

Soft, No terderness , No organomegaly or free fluid 

Bowel sounds present 

Central Nervous system:  Normal 

No neck stiffness 

Brudzinski : Negative 

Kernig's : Couldn't be ellicted properly as patient is having severe knee pains 

HMF : Normal 

Memory : Intact 

Speech : Normal 

Motor : 

TONE : Normal 

POWER        upper limb              lower limb

Right              5/5                                4+/5

Left                 5/5                                4+/5


       Biceps    Triceps    Supinator    Knee    Ankle 

R :  1+             1+             1+                    1+          1+

L :  1+             1+            1+                   1+          1+

Plantar : withdrawal on both sides 

Sensory and Cerebellum : Normal 

Gait video :



Hb:- 9.5 gm/dl

TLC:- 15,600 (19/4)-----> 13,800 (On admission)

Neutrophils :- 78%

Lymphocytes :- 11%

Monocytes :- 9%

Eosinophils:- 2%


MCV:- 84.3 fl

MCH:- 27.7 pg

MCHC:- 32.9 %

RBC:- 3.43 million/cumm

PLATELETS:- 1.20 lakhs /cu mm

Peripheral smear : Normocytic Normochromic anaemia , Leucocytosis with Mild thrombocytopenia 

Retic count : 0.5 

Absolute Reticulocyte count : 0.3

Reticulocyte Index : 0.23 ( Hypoproliferative Marrow )

Serum Iron : 69


Pus cells- 3-4

Epithelial cells :- 2-3 

Albumin :- 2+

Sugars :- Nil

No RBC , No casts 

RBS : 169 mg/dl

Hba 1C : 6.7 

Urine protein/ Creatinine ratio:-

Spot urine protein:-5.45

Spot urine creatinine : 18.9

Ratio:- 0.28 

RFT :- (19/4)-------------------> On admission 

Urea:-                                    225 mg/dl

Creatinine:- 8.4 mg/dl -----> 9.7 mg/dl

Uric acid :- 9.9 mg/dl

Calcium:- 7.4 mg/dl 

Corrected calcium :7.88 [ total ca + 0.8 ( 4 - Serum albumin )

Phosphorus :- 3.1 mg/dl

Sodium:- 138 mEq/L

Potassium:- 3.4 mEq/L

Chloride :- 103 mEq/L 

Urinary Electrolytes 

Sodium : 169 mmol/L 

Pottasium : 5.98 mmol/L 

Chloride : 147 mmol/L


Total Bilirubin :- 0.52 mg/dl

Direct Bilirubin:- 0.16 mg/dl

AST:- 11 IU/L

ALT:- 13 IU/L

Alkaline phosphatase:- 742 IU/L

Total proteins :- 5.5 gm/dl

Albumin :- 3.4 gm/dl

A/G ratio:- 1.64 

ESR : 50 mm /1 st hour 

Serology :- NEGATIVE 

ABG :(on admission)

PH : 7.11 

PCO2 : 12.6

PaO2 : 83.4

HCO3 : 3.9

Spo2 : 95.2 

Anion gap :26.6

ABG at presentation : High anion gap  metabolic acidosis with fully compensated respiratory alkalosis


showing Normal sinus rythm 

Heart Rate of  83 beats per minute

Normal Axis 

PR interval : 0.16 sec 

QTc : 513 msec ( Prolonged secondary to ? hypocalcaemia )

LVH + 


Chest xray


      Chest xray PA view 

      Hyperinflatted lungs + ( Increased spaced between the ribs ) 


Impression :- 

1) Bilateral Raised echogenicity of kidneys

Size : Right : 9.5*4.5 , Left : 8.6 *3.9 

CMD +, PCS : Normal

2) Grade 1 prostatomegaly ( size : 33 cms )



EF:- 55% 

Concentric LVH , Dialted LV

RVSP:- 35 mmhg 

Sclerotic AV , Mild AR



Good LV Systolic Functions 

Diastolic Dysfunction +


Xray bilateral knees AP and Lateral view : 


L- S spine AP and Lateral 



Above xray showing osteoporosis ? Codfish apperance 

Final Diagnosis:

1. AKI ( ? Renal , Creatinine clearance:6ml/min )secondary to NSAID use or metabolic  syndrome with Metabolic acidosis On CKD ( Stage 5, egfr :6ml/min/1.73 m2 ,On haemodialysis )

2. Anemia secondary to ? Iron deficiency ? renal failure  

3. Heart failure secondary to congestion ( Renal failure, Anaemia, Metabolic syndrome )

4. Denovo Hypertension and Diabetes ( Hba 1c :6.

7 )

5. Bilateral knee pains secondary to ? Osteoarthritis  ? hypocalcaemia ( osteopenia ) due to secondary hyperparathyroidism secondary to CKD ( Evidence of CKD : Anaemia, Hypertension, Diabetes or bilateral knee pains secondary  to ?synovitis

6. NSAID abuse since 1 year 

7. Grade 1 Prostatomegaly 

Treatment Plan

Control of hypertension and sugar control 

Metabolic acidosis and Azotemia 

Treatment Given : ( at time of admission )

1)Inj furosemide 40 mg iv/stat 

2) Tab Nifedipine 10 mg po/stat 

Due to Severe Metabolic acidosis and Azotemia patient has been taken for dialysis within 8 hours of admission 

Pre dialysis vitals : Afebrile 

PR : 98 bpm 

BP :170/90 mm of hg

1st session : Duration :2hours 

UF : 1 litre 

UF rate : 400ml 

Pre dialysis weight : 

Post dialysis weight : 

Weight loss after 1 st session : 1 kg 

Post dialysis vitals

Pt : c/c/c , Afebrile 

PR : 98 bpm 

Bp: 160/90 mm of hg  

No interdialytic complications like hypotension, hypoglycemia, muscle cramps

ABG :( Post dialysis)

 PH : 7.38

PCO2 : 20.3

PaO2 : 87.9

HC03 : 11.8

Serum Cr : 7.2 mg/dl

Serum Urea : 155 mg/dl 

BP Monitoring 4 th hrly


5 pm : 160/90 mm of hg ( Tab Nifedipine 10 mg stat given )

9pm : 140 / 80 mm of hg

1am : 150 /80 mm of hg

8am : 140/70 mm of hg 

GRBS monitoring 6 th hrly

5pm : 169 mg/dl 

8am : 113 mg/dl 

2nd Dialysis taken on D4 of admission for 4 hours 

Day 5 :

S : Breathlessness decreased from admission

Pedal odema subsided 

No fever spikes 

O: Patient is conscious coherent and cooperative 

pallor - present 

No odema, No icterus ,clubbing,cyanosis,lymphadenopathy , 

Vitals : 

BP- 140/80 mmhg

PR -94 bpm

RR- 20 cpm

Spo2- 98% on RA

GRBS - 118 mg/dl

Temperature- 99.3 F

I/O Charting:- 1050/900 ml

Cvs: s1,s2 heard ,no Murmurs,jvp not raised 

Rs: BAE, No crepts 

P/A: soft, non tender ,bowel sounds present 

CNS: Normal 

 A: 1. AKI ( ? Renal ) secondary to NSAID use or metabolic syndrome with Metabolic acidosis On CKD ( On haemodialysis )

2. Anemia secondary to ? Iron deficiency ? renal failure  

3.Heart failure secondary to congestion ( Renal failure, Anaemia, Metabolic syndrome

4. Denovo Hypertension and Diabetes ( Hba 1c :6.

7 )

5. Bilateral knee pains secondary to ? Osteoarthritis ? hypocalcaemia ( osteopenia ) due to secondary hyperparathyroidism secondary to CKD ( Evidence of CKD : Anaemia, Hypertension, Diabetes or bilateral knee pains secondary to ?synovitis

6. NSAID use since 1 year 

7. Grade 1 Prostatomegaly




- TAB. Ultracet 1/2 PO/QID


- Syrup Potklor 15 ml in glass of water PO/TID


- GRBS 6 th hrly  

Current reports

PH : 7.35

PCO2 : 30

PaO2 : 88

HCO3 : 18

Spo2 : 95

Cr :4.8

, urea 101 

Na : 138 ,K :2.6 ,cl: 101 

Patient received 4 sessions of dialysis and got discharged on D7 of admission , his breathlessness subsided, appetite improved , able to walk ( pain in knees had decreased in intensity) 

No pedal odema, fever, breathlessness at time of discharge

Metabolic acidosis resolved at time of discharge ( PH:7.38, PCO2 38, PaO2:88, HCO3 : 20, spo2 :94) 

Patient has been asked for follow up after 1 week or so ( if he experience breathlessness, pedal odema, anuria, vomitings, decreased sensorium or any other complaints as early as possible to casualty)




Leads to Insulin resistance ( Important MetS-related etiological factor for CKD)


 Insulin resistance, which is typical of type 2 diabetes, leads to inflammation, oxidative stress and renal insufficiency. 


Raised insulin levels stimulate insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) production, which increases connective tissue growth factor, thus causing fibrosis in the diabetic state.


Obesity may lead to increased secretion by adipose tissue of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as leptin, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). 


Leptin may lead to increased intra-renal expression of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β), leading to glomerulosclerosis. 


It may also promote type IV collagen production. TNF-α may lead to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that can in turn lead to renal endothelial cell dysfunction, mesangial expansion and fibrosis. 


Anti-inflammatory hormones like adiponectin may be reduced, contributing to insulin resistance as well. 


Adiponectin deficiency is associated with vascular intima thickening and smooth muscle cell proliferation. 


Its vascular effects may even be independent of insulin sensitivity, and so may extend to CKD. Obesity also leads to increased glomerular volume, podocyte hypertrophy, and mesangial matrix expansion preceding CKD.


Triglycerides and free fatty acids may themselves be nephrotoxic by promoting pro-inflammatory cytokine production.


 In association with hypertension, another MetS component, angiotensin II stimulates ROS production, in turn decreasing nitric oxide synthase production and causing renal microvascular injury, ischemia, and tubulointerstitial damage. 


Dissecting out the relative contribution of insulin resistance, obesity, and hypertension to these findings versus the composite of MetS however is difficult. 


In this regard, the presence of early arterial hyalinosis which is more typical of diabetes but not MetS, may point towards MetS being a distinct risk factor for CKD independent of its individual components. 


One more somewhat provocative hypothesis is that hyperuricemia, not a “traditional” MetS component but associated with MetS, is a promoter of CKD through the inhibition of nitric oxide production or even recurrent nephrolithiasis . 


Another limitation to be pointed is that most mechanistic explanations have been derived from animal models, and so their importance in human patients with MetS and CKD, with their different lifespans and disease profiles remains to be demonstrated. 


Approach to Renal failure


Pathophysiology of NSAIDS induced renal failure:



NSAIDs are a known cause of AKI, yet as an entity they may remain under diagnosed because the kidney failure is often moderate, asymptomatic, transitory, and non-anuric .Under normal physiological conditions, renal blood flow is either independent of prostaglandin synthesis or, under certain circumstances, there is activation of the renin-angiotensin system. When circulating vasoconstrictors are released and to maintain renal blood flow, counter-regulatory prostoglandins are released . NSAIDs exert antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects by reducing vasodilatory prostaglandin biosynthesis . AKI can occur from NSAID induced renal interstitial inflammation, resulting in AIN. 



The actual bicarbonate is what one should use when one is assessing the degree of compensation in acid-base disorders using the Boston bedside blood gas rules. Because using the standard bicarbonate value to estimate the effectiveness of compensation can lead one to inaccurate conclusions. 


Approach to hypocalcemia


Further Approach to this patient :

After few sessions of dialysis , would like to wait for 1 week ( after his initial symptoms  like breathlessness secondary to metabolic acidosis has subsided ) whether he can improve , and further decison of dialysis is made by his clinical  condition ,renal  parameters 

Efficacy of Denosumab in mineral and bone disorder secondary to renal failure 

Prior to initiating denosumab, it is important to assess for and optimize CKD–mineral and bone disorders (CKD-MBD). In observational studies and small RCTs, denosumab has been shown to improve bone mineral density and reduce bone turnover in CKD, but there have been no studies focused upon its fracture efficacy



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