This is an online E log platform to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. I have been given this case in order to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of patient's clinical data analysis to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan


65 /F came with chief complaints of 

Both lower limb swelling since 1 week 

Breathlessness since 1 week 

 History of present illness :

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week back then she developed  swelling intially started at lower limbs gradually progressive to whole body associated with breathlessness insidious  onset, non progressive of grade 2 according  to mmrc since 1 week and associated with decreased appetite since 5 days.

No history of orthopnea , PND, chest pain, palpitations, sweating, decreased urine output, pain abdomen, Nausea , vomitings 

Life events

Born to nonconsangeinous parents, 2 nd order child ( she have 1 elder brother and 2 younger brothers ) , fine till few years , according to patient during her childhood ( didn't  remember the correct age ) when she got fever she was treated  with some pasaru ( extracted from plant ) into her ears to get relief from fever ,she started experiencing decreasing hearing in both ears  since then according  to patient , married at age of 12 years to a person( his 1st wife expired) , he married her after her demise , gave birth to one child (but expired after birth : Reason not known ), 2 nd child now currently at age 36 , married have 1 son and 2 daughter's . None of his family members, have hearing loss . 

 She started working from from age of 14 years , used to work in farm , wakes up at 5 am  does her daily activities, and prepared food for her and her family members, eats rice and curry then go to farm and in afternoon she again takes rice and curry, after her work she returns home at 4pm , and she does the household works like sweeping floor , washing clothes and cleaning the utensils and by 9pm everyone will have dinner and goes to sleep by 10 pm . This was her routine till 40 years of age , after that his son got married and after his son had children stopped working to take care of of her grand children. After her son's marriage, she does only evening household works as both her son and daughter -in -law goes to work . Her hearing loss didnot troubled her much as everyone used to talk in high pitch for her better hearing . But this hearing intensity decreasing since 10 to 12 years though it didn't bothered her much and doesn't seek any medicial attention 

Past history

H/of trauma to spine 5 years back , consultated a doctor  said to have decreased bone density ? osteoporosis 

Decreased hearing since childhood 

Not a k/c/of HTN , Diabetes, Asthma , CVA, CAD Epilepsy 

Personal history 

Appetite : Decreased  since 5 days

Sleep : Regular 

Bowel and bladder : Regular 

Addictions :  Occosional toddy drinker since 30 years ,stopped since 1 year 

Past history : No significant family history 

General Examination : 

Head to toe examination : 

PR : 115 bpm

BP: 130/90 mm of hg

RR : 26 cpm

SpO2 : 98 on RA

GRBS : 237  mg/dl

JVP : Raised 

Pedal odema + bilateral pitting type 


Facial puffiness +  



No Pallor ,cyanosis, clubbing , lymphadenopathy

Abdominal circumference : 91 cms 

Midarm circumference: 26 cms 

Skin fold thickness 19mm

Midarm muscle circumference: 20.04 cms

FM ratio : 4.54 

Systemic Examination : 

Cardiovascular : 

Inspection : Jvp : Elevated 

Palpation  : 

Apex beat 6th Intercoastal space midclavicular line

No Parasternal haeve 

Percussion : Normal

Ascultation :  S1, S2 +, No murmurs 

Respiratory system :

Ascultation : bilateral IAA , ISA  , IMA crepts +

Per abdomen :Mildly distended , soft, Nontender

Central Nervous System : Positive findings mentioned :

8th Cranial Nerve : 

Rinners : bone condition more than air conduction in both ears ( L more than right ) 

Webers : Able to perceive in both ears ( L> R)

Investigations : 

Hb:- 9.9gm/dl

TLC:- 9900 cu mm

Neutrophils :- 73%

Lymphocytes :- 17%

Monocytes :- 6%

Eosinophils:- 4%


MCV:- 97.6 fl

MCH:- 30.3 pg

MCHC:- 31%

RBC:- 3.27 million/cumm

PLATELETS:- 2.23 lakhs /cu mm

Peripheral smear : Normocytic Normochromic anaemia 


Pus cells- 3-4

Epithelial cells :- 2-3 

Albumin :- Trace

Sugars :- Nil

No RBC , No casts 

RFT :-

Urea:- 64  mg/dl

Creatinine:- 3.5 mg/dl 

Sodium:- 140 mEq/L

Potassium:- 4.5 mEq/L

Chloride :- 104 mEq/L 


Total Bilirubin :- 0.49 mg/dl

Direct Bilirubin:- 0.15 mg/dl

AST:- 13 IU/L

ALT:- 13 IU/L

Alkaline phosphatase:- 504 IU/L

Total proteins :- 5.8gm/dl

Albumin :- 3.45 gm/dl

A/G ratio:- 1.47 

ECG : 


Chest xray 


USG Abdomen : Raised echogenicity of kidneys 
Mild ascitis 

2D echo : 
EF :68 % 
Normal sized chambers 

Diagnosis :  Heart failure with ? Preserved Ejection fraction secondary  to  ? Metabolic syndrome with Acute renal failure ( ? Prerenal )Conductive hearing loss in both ears ( L>R ) 

Score : ( H2FPEF) 

BMI: <32( 2 points)

Not on only 1 anti hypertensive (0 points)

No atrial fibrillation (0 points)

RVSP:35mmhg(0 points)

Age >60years(1 point)

Filling pressure E/e’ (<9 ) : (0 points ) 

Total score :3


Treatment : 

Inj frusemide 40 mg iv/BD 

IV fluids urine output +30 ml/hr


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